Intellectual Outputs
Main outputs of the project will be the Intellectual Outputs:
IO1.1 Board game - Learning experience
IO1.2 Card game- learning experience
IO2 Manual Guideline "How to use gamification methods in adult education"
IO3 Outdoor gamification tools design
IO4.1 Digital platform for adults educators community
IO4.2 Best practices collection
Intellectual Output 1
IO1 - Board Game - Learning Experience
Intellectual Output 2
IO2 - Card Game - Learning Experience
Intellectual Output 3
IO3 - Manual for Adults on How to Use Gamification Methods in Adult Education
IO3: The manual is based on research undertaken by eight researchers of the four partner organizations and is focused on the results obtained and on collecting successful gamification experiences in projects performed by the consortium and associated partners in the past. If you are interested in the gamification methodology, download and implement our manual in your daily work!
Intellectual Output 4
IO4 - Outdoor Gamification Tools Design & Best Practice Examples
IO4: That result is one of the most innovative parts of the project. Four new outdoor gamification tools were designed with a description of how to use them. Additionally, to prove the consortium's experience prepared the best practices they have already used. You can find all the materials by downloading the documents.
Discover more about our
4 Intellectual Outputs have been developed within the framework of the AduGames project.
About the IOs
Main outputs of the project will be the Intellectual Outputs:
IO1.1 Board game - Learning experience
IO1.2 Card game- learning experience
IO2 Manual Guideline "How to use gamification methods in adult education"
IO3 Outdoor gamification tools design
IO4.1 Digital platform for adults educators community
IO4.2 Best practices collection
1. Improving the professional skills of 15 adults by participation in the creation of gamification educational methodologies
and by testing them with 100 adult people (senior citizens) throughout the project period.
2. Testing the transversal educational impact of the methodologies developed in the project in 3 formal education
contexts (Clubs for Seniors - Poland and Bulgaria, Community Centres - Romania and Spain)
The most important result, however, is gaining new tools for the work we are doing in our organisation - working with
people of all generations, promoting Erasmus+, democracy and European values as well as training soft skill, leadership
or communication. What is more - we want to create OER tools open to all non-profit, public and private adult education
entities that will be able to activate and educate more and more people.